SAF-sfront: September 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
& put your footprints on // 5:53 PM &

Outing for O levels and N levels students:

Its a outing created by tammynyp la...but i just find it funny that why must be only those that above 16 1...its so unfair the way...the place and the time will be updated by tammynyp to me sooner or gd luck on your exam members...=)

Regarding to the post by mysophobia:

The seperation grouping on CW:
groups of 3 - 2 sprayer
1 sniper

groups of 4 - 3 sprayer
- 1 sniper

groups of 5 - 3 sprayer
- 2 sniper

groups of 6 - 4 sprayer
- 2 sniper

groups of 7 - 5 sprayer
- 2 sniper

groups of 8 - 5 sprayer
- 3 sniper

Its quite gd...hope you all will follow lor...=)

Friday, September 14, 2007
& put your footprints on // 7:23 AM &

Points by matthewlimx:

matthewlimx went scooping around and found out about the points given with each kills,death and mission you completed to get...=)Btw...its for cw,team or Single???

Kill +30 points
Death -10 points
Mission +50 points

First Tournament team out le!!!:

Hi guys...sorry for nt updating..=) Btw the first tournament tean is out the team list is:

Team 1: [SG]bendan47 / [SG]benLVzhu, Fayumi456, NiShiZhu / [SG]Zhu, A-O-D, [SG]c0mp / F4bl3.

Siao liao lar...too strong le lar...btw when is the tournament...then when to play...??Some gt exams and work...Plz submit your team list by 16th september...=)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
& put your footprints on // 3:06 PM &

The 10 Commandments by [SG]neutral:

1. Thou shalt not glitch
2. Thou shalt not hack
3. Thou shall do CW and send at least 20 screenshots per week
4. Thou will respect all leaders
5. Thou will not team kill
6.Thou shall not ks!!(How ar...very difficult leh...if dun ks...then if own teammate die,then he will scold why dun help.But if help le then ks...then he will say ks....)
7.Thou shall not modem tap
8.Thou shall check clan website regularly
9.Thou shall not alt tab to save kdr
10.Thou shall intro xmms to leader(What is xmms??? i really dunno...=))

Sunday, September 9, 2007
& put your footprints on // 11:05 PM &

About 999SAF and 995SAF:

Actually hor 1 is enuf le...why 2 leh...very complicated leh...then hor i think that what juni thinks is correct...if they join this 2 clan,SAF will then have a peace no. of members and actives so everyone inside the modified SAF will be stronger then MAFIA...haha...=)

Regarding to the post by arboy976:
Arboy...your post very stupid can u say that...ultra no..true 1 lor...dun anyhow sae...hor...=)lame leh...

Regarding to the resignation of p1o2i3u4 being a clan war leader:

No way...p1 cant resign...i wun let him do that...Juni...stop him from resigning to be clan war leader...if he quit...i very sad de...He should be the main clan war leader strong,so motivative...and so helpful...sometimes encourage us too...he is too gd to be a CW plz p1 dun leave can???Plz...=)

Regarding to Submition teams date for SAF Tournament 2007:

Members...plz send your team list with your leader name and send it to Junichi by 16th September which is Sundae by 6pm...=) Gd luck on forming ur teams...

Saturday, September 8, 2007
& put your footprints on // 8:24 PM &

Monday's Deadline:

Siao liao lah...i dun have always take SS 1 lor...then i this few daes chionging cw less until can count how ar...But anyway hope everyone can sent 20 ss to Juni lor...=( Sad becauz i will be kicked....=(...cry cry....Btw...when i saw birdy rank this word...i laugh until my stomach pain pain...=)

Announcement by Junichi for SAF inter-tournament 2007:

Hey Juni...inter-tournament rocks man...But hor...if you choose your own team that other ppl will lose even easier (example:p1+Bendan+C0mp+evan+Sony)=Win for sure..... Like that how...very unfair leh...although i 1LT...but hor...i very noob lor...headshots all tyco how...very c0mplicated leh...=)...i know liao...random team lor...use somehow bingo lucky draw lor...then draw outed teams maybe strong or weak...but fair mah...because draw heaven's will...=) Comp and luck on planning it...=)

Regarding to the post by [SG]*MSA*/[SG]_PROAIM_:

What he says is correct that the newbs some are nbs but nt all... Tryouts is a very gd thing to test the new members if they are enough the standard to our clan because our clan is nt rank 30 and below le...our rank is inside top 25 le...we must nt increase our no. of members but to keep the no. and improve on their experience and skills but we can recruit some pros to our clan...But!!!!Who to do tryouts master leh???Juni...(He no time 1 lar...)P1???(Waste time for him...he go do main clan leader better...)...Decide Ba!!!but i dunno if Juni will accept tryouts lor...=)

Regarding to the post by [SG]c0mp:

I do not want to write anything for this 1...too long to write le...members...go see the post yourselves ba....=)

post website: (Look for the post:Pls read. thanks by sg_comp)

Regarding to i69 quitting:
I do not know why...but i69 suddenly said that he wants to quit,and that hurts me alot...He is quite a gd player which also contribute to our ranks and points...maybe is due to work,study or family problems that makes him quit SF...Anyway i69 good luck on ur future life...Thank you for contributing alot to us...=)

Regarding to the post by p1o2i3u4:

What he have post is correct...The member who is playing clan war should really nd team work,look out for each other and must listen to your leaders everytime and for nading...i no nd to sae la...if the member really nade you,warn him that he could be expel from the clan....As for very pro and i really admire gd luck on improving our clans CW % and ranks...=)

Regarding to the post by Tammy_nyp:

I agree with what Tammy have said and really must tell everyone including the leader...If you are nt in form for the amount of time(exp:3 CW matches),immediately get out of the Clan Warfare channel and go to DZ or quit the game to have a rest or warm up 1st. After you get a satisfying exp points for DZ (exp:250+++),Then you can go back and play CW le ba...i guess...but if you really played and loses form again,quit the game and go have a sleep. But as for Tammy,you should nt sae that the member will nt be allow to play for the whole dae...Then when the time you nd him,he jus ns off SF liao...then how...keep calling (CW Time!!!!SAF report) or (SAF report for CW or else Kick)??? At least you tell them to go play DZ or what...dun jus sae that the member is nt allow to play...=) As for training...1.5 kd should be a little high abit la...can lower abit lor...then everyone including those that have highier kd must also have training...because many clans have new tactics to play CW everyone need training excluding Juni...=)

Thursday, September 6, 2007
& put your footprints on // 9:09 AM &

Hall Of Shame!!! By Junichi:

This is the list of peoples that get 1 demerit points and reason:

-Innocent Kid (Hospital:Was throwing nades at the DNA room when ARCH_KILLER was climbing the ladder into DNA room. ( nades did not land in room but all over the backyard ))

This is the list of people being expel and reason:

-Cyber_Shot_Z(Glitching and nading own member)
-[SG]shooterz / Shooters97(Glitching)
-mrjonson / [SG]jonson(Failure to follow instructions from cw leaders / no sense of loyalty to clan / no skills but plenty to say)
--Vin0th-(No loyalty to SAF clan since he said he could always join any other clan. Also intimidating of member [SG]James and bring out all his gangsterism. In the end , he realised [SG]James was [SG]Junichi and nothing was heard from him again.)
-ZHeAdSh0TZ(Failure to listen to cw leaders / no sense of loyalty to SAF clan as he is with GoldArmy as well)
-aka_deeds(Repeatedly using vulgarities in the past / annoying members during clan talk as well as failure to get along with clan members.)
-[SG]Tyx(Failure to respond to clan wars regularly and Failure to send 20 screenshots weekly)

Gd luck for your future then...we thank you for contributing to our clans...

Regarding to the post by arboy-310:

New members...nt we do not want you to join us in CWs...if we are waiting for other members from other clan...plz ask 1st then enter...dun enter and do not want to sad to tell you that if you keep doin these type of might get demerit points guai abit...if our staffs or members ask you to come play then you go in lor...=) And btw....during times like we have alot of members online,plz dun go and play DZ can...because sometimes we will split us into groups or play 8 v we need you...or else why you join our clan for???for clan mark or for clan rank???NO!!!!you join this clan is to make this clan get highier ranks and beat other gd clans in CW....GD LUCK then...=)

100 Gcoins each month for the Highiest CWer:

Guys...Gd news for you all.If u all find out that every week you jus send every ss you have to junichi and end up having nthing???Now you have the chance to get 100 Gcoins....(With that you can buy alot of items and 2X EXP!!!!)You Just gt to work hard and do cws and send as much ss to james to get the prizes....So work hard and do CWs ba(and cheating ar...will result to expel 1 hor...)!!!=)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
& put your footprints on // 6:21 PM &

Kicking List by p1o2i3u4:

This is a kicking list created by p1o2i3u4 to kick out all the inactives that did not always play CW...He is giving you all here a chance to be unkick by sending 20 SS this week to Junichi(Win SS please).This is the list of the inactives:

-[SG]Mcvie (ME!!!)

We are very happy that you contribute for us last time...but we hope you can still do that by sending us 20 ss by this week so that we will not kick you...=)

Regarding to the post by Saetan:

Saetan said that meeting/outing/Vacation in Dhoby Ghaut is too far for the members that living near the east.But Complicated is living in Tampines,but she end up going to the outing too...But i will appreciate what you comment and discuss with her abt this...Actually i plan to have the outing at Raffles Place,City Hall or Suntec City...But she end up decided Dhoby i also have no choice...Hope nxt time our meeting will be near central!!!=)

Regarding to Junichi who did'nt come to the meeting yesterdae:

He was very sorry that he could not go to the meeting due to work and sleep. But although he did'nt show up,not many people went for the meeting too....So Junichi decided that maybe he will plan a meeting every month...So we can discuss things and tok and communicate more next time...=) So please don't scold him then...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
& put your footprints on // 10:40 AM &

Vacation/Outing organise by Junichi and c0mpl1c4t3d:

TIME: TMR, 4th september. 12 noon. dun be late.
WHAT WE DOING: eat lunch. tok. watch movie?
CALL (c0mpl1c4t3d) AT 96368321 WHEN U R DERE.

Plz ask for parents consent for those under 18 hor...dun later our staffs tio complain then we will give out demerit points hor...guai...

Training By [SG]Bendan47:

Venue: CW channel 5
Time : 1pm[SG]
Date : 07/09/2007

Hope everyone can train very hard and win more CW and get more points...BTW...Bendan very pro hor...must learn alot from him...=)